Dexview has listed Boyita
Today we are very happy to tell you that the analysis portal Dexview has added our Boyita coin to its list, so you will be able to see its performance as well as statistics directly from its portal.
It is worth noting that Dexview has not only added Boyita, but also updated all relevant information about it, including networks, website, audit, contract, presale link and of course, our logo that identifies us to the entire world.
We are very excited, and we know that we still have a long way to go, we hope to continue counting on you, our loyal Boyita community.
Remember that the presale began this Tuesday, September 3 at 03:00 PM UTC and ends on September 17 at 03:00 PM UTC, we leave you the link below so you can participate:
Additionally, affiliates who decide to promote the pre-sale will be able to automatically earn 2% of everything their referrals invest (the link is created directly in the pre-sale link with their BEP20 wallet address).
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