We have updated our profile on BSCSCAN!

We are very happy to announce that we have updated our data on BSCScan, which allows us to have greater exposure and to identify Boyita everywhere.


Therefore, if you enter our contract on BSCScan now you will notice that our logo appears:


Boyita's updated Bscscan profile

The project description also appears.

The audit report that was carried out on us also appears.

All of this represents a big update for Boyita, given that BSCScan is the leader for reviewing transactions on the BSC blockchain network, hence its importance.

Notification in the old contract!

As if that were not enough, we have also created a notification in the old contract, informing users that said contract was migrated; so if they arrive by mistake; the notice will appear.

It is worth noting that no one can buy the old contract, since it was never listed, nor was liquidity added; but some indicators registered it and did not update; therefore if a user arrives at it, they will see the notice and will be able to visit the new contract.

Another important thing!

In order to be able to trend on BSCScan, it is necessary to have all the previous information updated, so we have already fulfilled the prerequisite to achieve this; and in a very short time we will be able to advertise on this portal.


Follow us in our Community to stay up to date with news and updates:

Announcement Channel: https://t.me/boyitanews
Community Channel: https://t.me/boyitachat
X (Formerly Twitter): https://x.com/Boyitacoin

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